Our Philosophy

Listen up.

The word Kulila is the Pitjantjara word for ‘listen up,’ the fundamental principle and value of KRAI is to listen to First Nations communities, and speak up for their concerns. KRAI aims to build up collaborative networks and relationships to ensure that as many communities are heard together.

Respect and self-determination

Our goals are to promote respect and self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities every step of the way.

Our collaboration is done with respect for our partners goals, priorities and wishes.

Our advocacy upholds respect for Indigenous culture and self-determination.

Our research is guided by respect and self-determination of all Indigenous communities, cultures, customs and traditions.

High quality evidence

Our research wherever possible is guided by high quality research to demonstrate how best to promote public policy outcomes that improve the lives of Indigenous communities, and ensure improvements in self-determination, longer and healthier lives, promotion and restoration of culture.

Promote reconciliation and understanding.

While the result of the October 14th referendum inevitably damaged progress in reconciliation, the goals of KRAI are to seek to bridge the gap in understanding. Too many non-Indigenous Australians do not understand the experiences of First Nations Australians. They fail to understand the experiences. To improve outcomes we must close the gap in understanding as an important goal in promoting better outcomes for Indigenous Australians.